Parent Child Interaction Theory Essay

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Question 1 Yes. I agree with the coercion hypothesis and think it is very reasonable, it reflects the common situation in many households worldwide. Where the parent in good faith tries to disciple the child by being harsh this procedure of discipline gives short-term results. (Lanier et al., 2015) As time progresses the child rebels only to get more harsh treatment and punishment from the parent. This state leaves the parent-child relationship on the rocks with a lot of tension. Families that are engage in the parent-child interaction therapy develop techniques to generate safe and cohesive environments to raise their children hence forming a strong bond between the guardian and the child.
Question 2 The parent-child …show more content…

(Lanier et al., 2015) Guardians of the families that were able to complete the parent-directed interaction were at average of six years older than the guardians that dropped out of the child-directed interaction model. The families that completed both the parent-directed interaction and the child-directed interaction were at a better financial position and had completed more sections compared to the families that dropped-out the increase of income and the sections increases the chances of completing therapy.
Question 10 Yes the there completion rate of parent-child interaction therapy administrated in the home are better compared to the office based since the cost factor was significantly reduced. (Lanier et al., 2015) The stress for families that could not access transport or other important amenities that facilitated the completion of the therapy was reduced. The new skills and methods were taught in their homes an environment that they were well a familiar with and supported practical hand-on learning approach.