Pros And Cons Of Functional Family Therapy

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A strength of Functional Family Therapy is that it is adaptable to fit the needs of diverse populations. As mentioned, this therapy has good evidence-based support for substance abuse, acting out, violence, school problems, delinquency, oppositional defiant and conduct disorders (Kazdin & Weisz, 2003; Sexton & Alexander, 2004). Needless to say, the needs of White suburban adolescents are certainly different from immigrant Asian adolescents. The fact that Functional Family Therapy is made available in six languages (Sexton & Alexander, 2004), is most certainly a strength, because it opens up this type of therapy to a larger population of adolescents and their families. As such, Functional Family Therapy is able to meet families where they are, which is a definite strength.
Another strength of Functional Family Therapy is that there is a lot of research that goes into its model. Functional Family Therapy takes from the best of other evidence-based treatments, and continues to be worked and …show more content…

It is most certainly more cost effective at $5000 per case versus $12000 for juvenile detention (Aos & Barnoski, 1998; Sexton & Alexander, 2004). Its cost-effectiveness means money will not be a factor for states using it to reduce the rate of recidivism. This means that a proven family therapy can be made available to families that are looking for long-term behavior change.
A limitation of Functional Family Therapy is that it is short-term therapy. It is not appropriate for pervasive disorders that require long-term treatment (Duncan, T.M., Davey, M., & Davey, A., 2010). Besides pervasive disorders, Functional Family Therapy does not have good evidence-based support for other disorders (, 2012). Other possible limitations involve adaptation and implementation to diverse agencies and other settings, and adequate training