
My Science Fiction Paper Synopsis And Topic List

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Patrick Boyd

Sci-Fi Paper Synopsis and Topic List

My science fiction paper is going to take place 50 years in the future. This is a future in which resource mining on other planets has just become very profitable. At this time, commercial space travel is still in its earliest stages, and the governments of Earth have yet to impose a legal system that applies to unexplored regions of space. Due to its extreme profitability, there are many companies that delve into this new market of exotic superconductors. However, our space travel technology is not advanced enough to allow travel to deep space; slow travel times limit the number of locations at which these valuable superconductors can be found. As such, these companies hire Mercenaries to attack and hinder the progress of their competition. In a space with no laws, this results in large scale, bloody wars being fought for access to resources. The story will be told in a series of mission logs written by the captain of a mining vessel leaving for a newly discovered planetoid. The topics I plan on including in this story are solar sails, space weather (specifically proton storms, but many aspects of space weather will be included), gravitational slingshots, escape velocity, orbital maneuvers, the formation of exotic materials in …show more content…

Humans require living space, food, water, air, and any number of other resources just to stay alive. These each present their own challenges. However, space is a very exotic environment to humans. As such, it has many physiological effects on the human body that can be detrimental to human bodily functions in the long term. These effects will be the focus of this research paper. I will discuss the effects of high G-forces during takeoff and re-entry, zero G-forces while in space, and the deleterious effects of high levels of radiation present in space on the human body over long space flight

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