Through the My Virtual Life program, students are afforded the opportunity to explore the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral developmental patterns. Through thorough consideration and decision making efforts, the child developed based on the decisions made by the parent, or user, as well as certain environmental factors. The My Virtual Life program proved to be effective in honing in on the most important developmental commonalities and consequential decisions which parents must make. Although, the child may not have been real, the effects of every decision made – in the form of multiple choice questions – certainly demonstrated realistic effects which model the course of development of an average minor.
Oliver had a natural
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Within these months, Oliver experienced one of his good friends moving away, partial toilet training, simple phrases in the Spanish language, increased independence, and a more secure attachment. At 19 months, Oliver is able to imitate actions or words that he has seen or heard days before. He began to sort his toys according to basic colors and size – indicating an expansion of his categorical skills. In a developmental assessment at 19 months, Oliver’s results indicated an advanced skill-set in gross motor skills and concentration, and was age-appropriate in spatial ability and language comprehension. At 2 years, Oliver’s communication skills had grown tremendously, with telegraphic sentences forming the basis of his language development. He participated in a play group and generally participated in cooperative play. At 3 years, Oliver had some issues making friends at preschool so my spouse and I organized play dates with some children in the neighborhood, as well as from his preschool. During this year, Oliver also became an excited little brother as we brought our baby girl, Autumn, to the …show more content…
Additionally, progress in the child’s cognitive, physical, and moral development were affected by environmental aspects, which provided examples of externalities that may not have been previously accounted for. The writing requirement for this assignment allowed me to reassess certain lessons in the book to cite accurate information and facts when considering why I made certain decisions. This requirement also enhanced my understanding of the difficulties which may arise when parenting a child, such as divorce or the birth of another child. With me only being 17 years of age, it was interesting to utilize parenting techniques to raise a child to 18. I found that my parenting reflected the parenting of my current parents, including appropriate adjustments where necessary. It was occasionally difficult to determine if the decision I made was appropriate, however, and further found that my decisions did not always work out for the