My Writing Assignment

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Many students of all ages have issues with writing, the only way to get better at writing is to have experience. I never paid much attention to my writing skills while in high school, I simply did not care about writing. This year as a freshman in college, I have struggled with writing this semester in GSW 1100. Even though I have not been passing papers, I understand that writing in college is extremely important to learn and develop. This is important because most courses in college have writing in them. As the semester has progressed, I have slowly started to understand where I am with writing and where I need to improve. Revising my essays is a great way to learn from my mistakes. Although my writing is not great yet I am slowly improving …show more content…

In my essays I would have all kinds of run on sentences and comma splice errors. I would be looking over my paper and I would not see any issues with how it was worded. When someone else would read it, they would get stuck on sentences and become confused. While reviewing my drafts for each essay, I started to get tougher on myself on each essay as the class progressed. I started to dig deeper before I would call the essay ready to turn in for the final draft. In the first paper, I really did not look for any errors, but I had over 35 errors in that paper. After the first essay I started to look a little before turning in my essay, but in essay two I still had over 30 errors. Making sure I notice these errors without needing the help of others is a great technique to learn for myself. I started asking for help from my professor Kitty Burroughs and she explained where I went wrong. She wrote a handout called “Sentence Boundaries and Errors” to help people like me with these issues. This handout has all kinds of information on how to see where someone went wrong and how to fix it.(Burroughs). After reading and learning from her handout, I would go back to my essays and begin to see more of my own errors. I revised my third essay that went from 28 errors to only 13. With my fourth I only had 9 errors, I even cut those errors down more with my revision. Making sure there is …show more content…

After getting my essays back, I would see I had not noticed all kinds of grammar errors. I would be looking over my essay, looking for the errors I made while wondering how I did not see it before. When someone else would read my essay they would almost instantly notice my grammar errors. Which made me feel like I really need to learn how to better see my own errors. When I thought about my essay I realized I never truly revised my essays, I just cleaned it up a little then turned it in. Making sure there is minimal grammar errors is important, because it will make it easier for the readers to understand the essay, just like the sentence and thesis errors. When I would review my drafts for each essay, I started to look harder for these errors with each essay as the class progressed. I started to find more and more errors that I know I would not have found in the beginning of this class. There is an article that helped me learn to truly revise my essays, the title is, “Revision Strategies of Student Writers”, it is by Nancy Sommers. It is about different strategies students can use to revise their paper. She stated in her paper that for many students the idea of revision makes them uncomfortable and can lead to them not spending very much time working on it. She found that the students were never taught how to truly revise their essays (Sommers 380-382). After reading and