My Writing Goals

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The goal that I will be using for my literacy story is to further my education. This class is the first step in many that will help me to get to where I want to be. Writing is a major skill in life to assist me in all aspects of my life and my goal. My writing that shows progress in achieving my goal is the homework I have been completing each week. I have had problems with writing for many years that stopped me from getting back to my education. This course so far has helped me branch out in my writing and find new ideas. Some forms at first seemed unrelated and unusable, but it has started to boost my confidence and to write what is on my mind. Furthering one's education is a great goal to have in many different ways of life. Whether that be to obtain a new higher paying job, giving you more confidence to voice your thoughts and opinions to others, and in some cases help you to be a productive adult in this economy. …show more content…

Free writing helps me to break out of writer's block and allows my thoughts to wander, creating new and different ideas. I see it every day in my life with just a few free writing prompts I have done like what good writing is to me. Freewriting lends a hand to me to get my thoughts on paper and come up with new ideas. Until then I did not think of what good writing is but with only five minutes and a lot of repetitive words and spelling errors, I was able to answer the question for me. It inspires new ideas I would not think of otherwise it is liberating now. At first, it intimidated me, and I had to deal with internal obstacles I did not realize I had. I have found out about myself that I have when writing is self-criticism fear of failure, perfectionism, and deadline dread. I tend to zone out and not feel like I need to worry about spelling or grammar