Mythological Allusion Essay

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Students are to choose a Mythological Allusion that is used in our modern day society to research.
Start by researching the mythological side of your allusion to understand its origin.
Take the information given to you on the websites you found, copy and paste the information you like best into the “Their Words” section.
Rewrite the information from the website in your own words in the “Your Words” section. This will help you when you have to write your paper.
Copy and paste the different sources used under the table, you must have at MINIMUM three sources.
Next, research the modern day side of the allusion you chose. Repeat the same process of copying and pasting the sources words, then put them into your own.
Copy and paste the different sources used under the table, you must have at MINIMUM three sources.

My Mythological Allusion is Nike _______________________________________


Their Words:
Your Words: …show more content…

Nike is the winged goddess of Victory, Speed and Strength, able to race and fly at great speed. Nike flew around battlefields, rewarding the worthy victors with glory and fame, symbolized by a wreath of laurel leaves. She also appears carrying a palm branch, a wreath, or the staff of Hermes.

She is a goddess with wings of strength and speed. She flew around and rewarded victory to the worthy.

Interestingly, for a goddess of such fame, there isn 't a lot of mythology about Nike (Greek mythology). Most tales of Nike are intermixed with tales of Athena (Greek mythology), the goddess of War and Strategy. Nike and Athena were both said to be among the few gods to stand by the side of Zeus, king of the gods, in the famous war against the king of monsters Typhon for control of Olympus.
For a goddess of Victory and fame their isn’t much Mythology about her her only Mythology is in the Titan war.


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