Mythology Chapter Summaries

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On the first day, God created the heaven and the Earth, the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters on earth, and God said, “let there be light”. God saw this light and said it was good and divided the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the dark night. On the second day, God said, “let there be firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters”, God called the firmament heaven. On the third day God said “let the water be gathered under the heaven and let there be dry land”, God called the water, sea, and the ground earth and said it was good, and god let the earth bring forth grass and herbs yielding seeds and the fruit tree yielding fruit whose seed is into the earth and saw it and said that it was good. On the fourth day, God …show more content…

Adam said, “she is the bones of my bones, the flesh of my flesh, so I will call her woman, because she came from man”. They were both naked, but since they had not partaken of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so they were not ashamed. Later when the women was alone, a serpent named lucipher said unto the women, “has God told you not to eat of every tree of the garden?” The women replied “we can eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden”, but then lucipher said “but God said you shall not eat the fruit which is of the tree in the midst of the garden and that if you were to touch it, that you would surely die and if you ate it, your eyes would be opened to the knowing of good and evil”. Then the women saw that the forbidden tree was good for food and that it looked good and she desired to have wisdom so she took one of the fruits and ate it! Then she gave it to Adam and he did also eat it! Once they had eaten it, they looked at themselves and realized that they were