Myths Of Lonely Women

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THE SYMPTOMS OF LONELY WOMEN AND THE CHOICES OF MEN THEY CHOOSE TO CURE THEM INTRODUCTION This book was birth, through phone calls I was receiving from women in my circle. They were speaking of going through emotional times in their lives or about women they knew personally. Who were going through the exact things. As time went on, I started recognizing a pattern in each of their conversations....For one, a man being attached to each of their stories and secondly, they were all undeniable lonely. They were speaking every detrimental emotion upon themselves. Everything from depression, panic attacks. Also, feeling driven to the point of insanity. Instead of, just simply saying, 'they were lonely”... “But, understandably why”. Having yourself admitting to or speaking the word “lonely”, “can seem Taboo”, Truthfully, sometimes it's confusing not being able to realize you're lonely... Because of your decision-making of relationships, have become so routine. You begin adjusting to the choices you're making as being normal... However, “there’s nothing normal about someone not loving you, the way you deserve being loved”...(That's unacceptable) …show more content…

Admitting your loneliness, usually leaves you feeling ashamed. Nevertheless, you must muscle up the strength to say, “I’m lonely,” with a self-admission of your problem... Beginning your discovery, putting you on the path of stepping toward healing...One thing I’ve realized. “You don't choose being lonely,... However, you can choose being alone... “Which is a huge different, If that's your choice, being alone”...”By all means, be happy and embrace the choice you've made for your