NHS Essay For NHS

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To begin with, it’s an honor to be recognized which great potential to NHS. I have all the traits that a student has to become a member of NHS. I would be a great resource to this society if I were to be accepted. I am a leader who is motivational. I tell my peers that whatever project or assignment we are doing, the outcome will be beneficial. I think it’s very vital that everyone has a say because it’s a group effort. Also, I like to set goals so that each time we complete a task, it’s an accomplishment. My peers and I know that each task is an important contribution. In order for me to be a great leader, I have to have honesty. Without my classmates’ trust, there would be a lack of communication. That lack of communication is what causes a leader not to be effective. Outside of school, whether I’m helping my family or doing service projects, the characteristics of a leader are within me. I follow these traits everywhere I go. To me a leader is not created but is born. A person has to be willing to take the next step and go beyond everyone else. …show more content…

It’s an organization that helps students develop leadership skills to plan a service project to help elementary school students. The service projects that GoLEADS had were, violence, peace, health, hunger, and the environment. My team is “Hunger Land.” Our goal is to teach students from 3rd grade to 5th grade about the importance of hunger. On May 22, we will enact on our service project by teaching the students about urban farming. Urban Farming is an opportunity to allow children to get a sense of independence, but also to create a healthy lifestyle. We plan on giving the local plants to City Harvest who can give away the vegetable to a person in need. We are giving a chance for students to take what they learn and apply it to their lives. This is what service is all about; giving