NT1330: A Brief Note On Client And Server Architecture

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2.3 Client and Server Architecture
2.3.1 Client

A client is the receiving end of a service or the requester of the service. The client is mostly located on another system/computer, which is accessed via a network. It can be a simple application or a whole system that accesses the services provided by the server. It can connect to a server via sockets, shared memory, or internet protocols.
Table 9: Classification of Client
Thin Client A client application with minimum functions to display the results processed by a server.
Thick/Fat Client A client application with maximum functions and does not necessarily rely on central server
Hybrid It can do most process on its own and also rely on server for storage and critical data.

2.3.2 Server

A server is a computer, a device or a program that is dedicated to managing network resources. Dedicated server provides services to the client. Servers may have high performance RAM, faster processor and high capacity hard drives. There are number of categories of server, including print server, file server, network server and database server.

2.3.3 Client and Server …show more content…

A server host runs one or more server programs, which share their resources with their client. Client initiate communication session with server await incoming request. Client and server exchange messages in a request-response messaging pattern: The client sends a request and server returns a response. A server may receive request from many clients simultaneously or in short period time, computer can perform limited number of tasks at any moment, scheduling system is incorporated to accommodate them in

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