Nt1310 Project 2000

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To establish the projects successfulness a set of tests were conducted, these tests observe and analyse every part of the prototype setup. The results to these tests are compared against the project aim and consequently are used to formulate a conclusion top the project. As set out in chapters 2 and 3 both the electrical/electronic and mechanical systems must meet a set of requirements; these requirements are based on the project objectives and deliverables. The tests conducted measure the prototypes adherence to these requirements, the tests provide data that can be formulated and examined to establish the functionality of each system. There are three types of tests carried out within this project, preliminary testing, functional testing and characterisation testing; each of type of tests examines the system in a greater depth than the preceding test type with characterisation testing being the most in-depth. The testing of the linear WEC was split into three main sections the first being electrical/electronic systems, the second being mechanical systems and finally complete system tests. 5.2 Electrical and Electronic Tests and Results 5.2.1 Preliminary Test Conditions Schematic Check …show more content…

The first test was that of an electrical rules check, this check analyses the schematic design and check for flaws within component connections. The second test conducted was on the PCB design in ARES, this tests was a pre-production check, this test looks at the PCB design and checks that all the components are connected correctly and the PCB is suitable to be manufactured without any flaws. Both tests were performed on a pass/fail

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