Nt1310 Unit 9 Final Project

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Hey my name is Keith Starks and I want to start talking about how LED Pendulum Metronome started from and the founder of LED Pendulum Metronome. In 1696 Etienne Louie first successfully used an adjustable pendulum in the construction of the first mechanical metronome. Also his design did not make any sound and did not include an escapement with which to keep the pendulum in motion. And I think In order to get the correct pulse with this kind of visual devices, the person that working on it needs to watch the precise moment where the pendulum is exactly vertical. Also as the left and right positions are constantly changing due to the decreasing amplitude. Therefore soon after that Johann Mealzel had and ideas and the …show more content…

In recording studio applications such as film scoring. And a software metronome is often used to generate a click track to synchronize musicians. Also I just read that software metronome made an mobile app security for DARPA Transformative Apps. Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA in Arlington awarded a $1.8 million contract earlier this month to Metronome Software LLC of Laguna Hills and California for cyber security and app security as part of the DARPA Transformative Apps …show more content…

Therefore for instance much of the focus of modern metronome technique is on encouraging and developing a good sense of tempo and timing in your playing and a lot in your mind. Also when you have a more precise sense of the passage of time you can then choose for yourself how to use this in your musical performance. You still play in a musically expressive fashion with continually changing tempo and beat the only difference is that as a result of your work on precision of timing with use of a metronometherefore you are more aware of what you are doing at all

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