Najmah Persimmon Tree Essay

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(AGG) To anyone who has not experienced war it is hard to wrap their mindset around losing everyone important to them. (BS-1) Najmah, a war bound child witnessed the loss of her family, bringing out different traits in her that were not previously there. (BS-2) Najmah manages to deal with her losses however, they drove her to trust and regain her strength once again. (BS-3) After recovering, Najmah made the best decisions based on her losses and to recover from her trauma. (TS)Throughout the book under the persimmon tree, loss shaped Najmah into a person she wasn't before. (MIP-1) The loss of Najmahs family had shaped her personality into somebody she wasn't before. (SIP-A) As a result of her losses, Najmah suffered from PTSD …show more content…

(SIP-A) Najmahs capability to use her voice and her strength increased after a while in the hands of Nusrat. (STEWE-1) As Najmah regained her “... strength and my resolve grows to leave for peshawar, I begin to think I might be able to talk again if I want to.” (Staples 150-151) Najmah thought she can fulfil her father's wish as time went by and she became stronger. (STEWE-2) In the refugee camp, najmah came to a realisation “By the seventh day in the refugee camp at Torkhum I know I am strong enough to reach Peshawar” (Staples 151). (SIP-B) Another scenario that helped Najmah become trusting was when Uncle came to look for najmah, Nusrat prevented him from taking her. (STEWE-1) Najmah then knew “The moment Bibi Nusrat refused to allow Uncle into her garden, I am sure I can trust her” (Staples 221). After Najmah realized all though she had been through multiple losses, she had people to protect her. (STEWE-2 )When Nusrat dismissed the uncle Najmah thought “Bibi Nusrat will not tell him i'm here” (Staples 241) showing she placed her trust in the hands of Nusrat which aided in regaining that trust. (CS) After developing PTSD and trusting issues, Najmah manages to regain strength and move beyond these …show more content…

(STEWE-1) Her ...father asked my mother to stay and keep the property safe from Uncle and the taliban, and I intend to do exactly what he asked her to do. But first I must find them, and the pace to look is peshawar, across the border in Pakistan” (Staples 147). She made a decision to keep her land but first wants to find her family. (STEWE-2) When Najmah reunited with her brother they came to the conclusion they had “ choice but to return to Golestan… Uncle or someone else surely will take out land if we don't go back. It was our father's last wish that we should keep out farm from the hands of the taliban or uncle ” (Staples 256) She wanted to return home and keep her land over going to New York and living a safe life with Nusrat. (SIP-B) When finding her family, Najmah had life or death choices to make and her losses drove her to make the ones that would pay off in her benefit and help her find what she was looking for. (STEWE-1) Najmah was willing to be “...on my own now, and I decide to take my chances instead of waiting until it might be too late” (Staples 154). Najmah ended up taking a risk not knowing where it would lead her, but she did it for the greater good. She did it because she knew she had a chance at