Nannybot 3000 Business Plan

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Market segmentation is the ability to target specific segments, like the customers in a particular demographic location, geographic location, common needs, interests and priorities. In our Market Segmentation plan, we would be including parents of all ages, caregivers and grandparents, as they all have a common need, interest and priority, which is taking care of their kids. Kids have an important place in the life of everyone regardless of demographic and geographic location. Parents and caregivers want their children to be safe and sound always. A benefit of our product is the ability to help parents from becoming “helicopter” parents (parents that hover over their children) by feeding the details of their daily activities, health and well-being. Consequently, that …show more content…

The benefit of buying this device, is that it is sold in the market along with the software installed. Consequently, the software application allows you to access the data of their kid from any smart phone, tablet or PC. The benefit of this device is that it can be used right from infant through high school, which generates income to ACME for a fixed number of years. The NannyBot 3000 is reusable and with a few modifications it can be upgraded based on the level of need. Some of the features are only available for specific age categories but can be turned on and off based on the upgrades available. Our age categories are: infant, toddler, preschool, kindergarten, elementary school age, middle school age and high school age. As kids move through the age categories, the features of the NannyBot 3000 will vary based on what the purchaser wants making it more desirable. Unique selling proposition is where we make our product stand out in the market and letting our customers, know why they need the product. Our unique selling proposition would be the implementation of cloud-type technology for the NannyBot 3000 to store and transfer data as needed, allowing their phone space to be used