Reflection About My Virtual Child

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My Virtual child has been a great learning experience. Even though it did cover birth up until the age of 18 it nearly scratched the surface of what raising a child reaslly is. Raising children takes a financial, physical, and emotional toll on married couples or single prents. Although I did not have to wake up in the middle of the night to change diapers, physically take my child to the doctor, or even feed my child, I had to make impoirtant decisions for my childs well being which is a huge part of being a parent. This program taight me that raising a child takes huge responsibility. I had to recall what I learned thrououhgt the semester to be able to make the right decisions for my child. I had to m ake important decisions that not only affectred me, but it also affected my child. I had a natural …show more content…

I carried Sebastian full term and I did not have any complications. I had an immediate connection with my baby. When he cried, I began to produce milk. My partner was very helpful from the beginning. Our financial situation was stable and we were able to move to a good neighborhood. I never imagined that virtually choosing disposable diapers over cloth diapers was going to be such a tough decision. This program helped me understand that there is much more to raising a baby than just having it.
Raising Sebastian was fairly easy since he was a slow to warm up baby. He showed slight negative responses when I introduced him to new things but slowly got used to them as I repeated the exposure. His sleeping schedule was fairly regular at times but he did had some difficulties around month three. At times he could be difficult because