
Napoleon Bonaparte Research Paper

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Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the best military leaders ever. [4] Being a commander

in the army for France, Napoleon fought bravely in the French Revolution, which was filled with

some excruciating, bloody battles. [6]Bonaparte got married twice. What happened to his first

wife then? [3]Foolishly, he annulled their marriage because she was only reproducing baby girls.

[2]Through sweat and blood, Napoleon had sacrificed everything for his country.

[2]On August 15, 1814, a baby boy, who was named Napoleon Bonaparte, was born. [1]

He was born in Corsica, France, a petite island in the Mediterranean Sea. [4]Being nearly poor as

dirt, his family managed to pay for young Napoleon to go to a military academy. [5]While in the

academy, Napoleon heard that his father …show more content…

[6]He married

Josephine de Beauharnais. The problem was that was she only having girls. [4]Wanting a male

heir, Bonaparte willingly annulled his marriage with Beauharnais and married Marie Louise.

Marrying Marie was one of the most memorable memories of Napoleons. [1]Louise gave her

desperate husband what he wanted, a male heir named, Napoleon Francois Joseph Charles

Tauring 2

Bonaparte, who later became Napoleon II King of Rome. [2]After the birth of Napoleon II,

Napoleon had many other children.

Guns fired. Bombs dropped. Ammo purchased. [6]The French Revolution had begun.

During the war, Napoleon rose to power. [4]Being a soldier in Corsica, Napoleon went from

captain to major and eventually he became a general. Bonaparte was appointed to be second in

command for the French army and he declared that he was the First Consul when he was twenty- six. Being the First Consul was unfortunately not enough. Napoleon wanted a more grandeur

title. [2]In 1804, he declared himself Emperor of France. In his ceremony, Bonaparte thought of

himself so superior to everyone else that he took the crown from the pope and he place it on

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