Napoleon Bonaparte Research Paper

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Napoleon Bonaparte, also know as Napoleon I, was an infamous small French leader who tried to conquer all of Europe in the 19th century. He was born on the island of Corsica and died on the island of Saint Helena at 51 years old while being exiled in 1815. He decided to crown himself the emperor of France in 1804 and acted as their military strategist in order to conquer other European nations to expand his empire. Unfortunately for him and army, they nearly lost every single against Russia. Despite losing and even being exiled to Elba, he received large defeats after massive defeats. Regardless of his failures, he ended up playing a very large role in European History. (INTRODUCTION,

Bonaparte was …show more content…

(The French Revolution, In October 1795, Napoleon and his men helped to defend the delegates from the royalists. Then shortly after in 1796, he was appointed to lead the French army against Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia. He won many battles and had given achieved many things in Europe. A few years after the revolution on December 2nd, 1804, Napoleon literally crowned himself emperor of France. Napoleon did not just want to rule over France, he wanted to rule over the entire world. …show more content…

These are a series of wars in Europe which took place between 1803 and 1815. In order to pay for the war, France sold the Louisiana area to North America. Prior to becoming emperor, Bonaparte created the Napoleonic Code, also know as the French Civil Code, which gave privileges to people based on who they are at birth. Some examples include, free religious practices and job in the government. The Napoleonic Code is actually the basis for other codes in other countries. (Napoleonic Code, During the Battle of Trafalgar, Bonaparte won against France and fended off against Austria and Russia in the Battle of Austerlitz. In 1812, France attempted to invade Russia, however this turned out to be a terrible idea which started the end of Napoleon. Most of the men in Bonaparte’s army were either killed or very wounded leaving sixteen percent of the soldiers were still able to fight. A lot of Bonaparte’s enemies were once again inspired to take him down since his army was weakened. He soon surrendered on March 30th, 1814. (The Napoleonic Wars, (Napoleonic Code,