
Narrative Conventions In A Brave New World

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A Brave New World is a speculative, science fiction novel written by Aldous Huxley. The novel is based on a dystopian futuristic society governed by beliefs readers are expected to find absurd and unnatural. Using Speculative Science fiction conventions like narrative contents based on new notions expressed in the novel, narrative elements specifically themes about humanity and the symbolic meaning of a drug called soma in the real world within the pages of a powerful and disturbing novel, Aldous skillfully provokes a mixture of responses within the audience, namely sparking ‘what if’ questions, empathy and the integration of morals. With the use of the speculative science fiction convention, and narrative elements introduced in the Novel, …show more content…

Using this science convention Aldoux manipulates readers into feeling empathetic towards the ideas forced on characters in the book. In chapter 6 Bernard and Lienna share a night that Bernard regrets. He wishes it ended differently because it was their first outing together. Lienna, influenced by the conditioning, insists it’s pointless to delay joy and fun, whilst Bernard wants to “feel something strongly,". “When the individual feels, the community reels'' Lienna reminds him, a phrase formulated using hypnopedia. The quote means if an individual feels strong emotions like love, then they could be responsible for the foundations holding society to stagger. The quote represents humans' lack of humanity by showing readers how Lienna’s forced to agree with the phrases she robotically announces due to her ineffectual capability to free thought, and original ideas and the fear of shaking stability. Plus, referring to the phrase at a time that is customarily private and sentimental. Distinct norms that are entwined in the brains of subjects make Lienna believe intercourse is casual and holds no personal meaning. Hence, readers feel empathetic for Lienna, wondering if she would continue these violating practices if she could think for herself and wanting her to fall in love with Bernard so she can

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