Major Themes In Brave New World

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In the futuristic realm of the World State, Aldous Huxley writes about a society that functions under new scientific advancements. In the book, Brave New World, there are different themes shown of love, individuality, and suffering. As readers follow along, they discover that the so-called utopia turns out to be a dystopia. We are introduced to characters such as Bernard, an outsider who just wants to fit in. John the savage is another main character we follow along with. He is naturally born unlike the rest and was brought to the World State by Bernard himself. Other existing characters come into play as well, such as Lenina, Linda, and Helmholtz. All of these people deal with their problems, but they all share a common trait. They each go through their sufferings. Aldous Huxley stresses the idea that everyone deals with suffering in some way no matter how conditioned they may be. …show more content…

The one he specifically deals with is the fact that he is an outsider in this world. He is an Alpha male who just so happens to be much shorter than his peers. “I want to know what passion is,.... I want to feel something strongly” (92). Bernard states that he wishes to feel strong emotions, unlike the rest of society. Even though Bernard is a conditioned individual, he still shows signs of suffering. However, conditioning is supposed to suppress any negative emotions. This essentially ties into Huxley’s overall theme of the novel. This type of society strives its their members to be positive at all times and forget about their problems. We see that Bernard, he is just one of the many examples that people can still suffer no matter how many times they are told to be emotionless