An Unexpected Danger Finally, after numerous hours of repetitive, dreary queries hounding at his mind, Charlie, a seventeen-year-old student, had finally acquired his driver’s license. Delighted, he calls his parents, snapchats his friends, and spreads his achievement over the world of social media. The year succeeding this event, Charlie begins to feel that driving is no longer a unique and special event in his daily life; rather, he has become just another ordinary driver amongst the populace, traveling from one destination to another. Though, driving is not as special, Charlie reluctantly continues to resist the urge to text, including other disturbances, while driving. Consequently, Charlie becomes confident in his abilities to drive safely …show more content…
Confidence, when used appropriately, aids people in realizing their full potential, allowing them to utilize their driving skills effectively. As a new driver, I felt apprehensive about everything; I worried about wrecking, speeding, damaging the car, and even infuriating other drivers. I alleviated my worries by becoming confident with my driving; my confidence became a strength that allowed me to focus on driving rather than worry about everything else. The confidence I gathered is a result of participating in a BMW driving school; this school taught me how to take control of my vehicle and how to stretch my vehicle’s performance to the maximum in order to keep myself safe. Overall, this program provided me with immense knowledge that made me very comfortable and confident in driving. Similar to my personal results, authors Berthelon, Catherine, and Loïc Damm examine the relation between experience and driving accident scenarios in their piece, “Skills of Novices Early Trained or Traditionally Trained Versus Experienced Drivers Confronted to Simulated Urban Accidents' Scenarios," Interestingly, they found that some novice drivers performed equally, if not better, compared to the experienced drivers. They determined that the recent schooling of the novice drivers aided them in executing improved driving habits. As stated before, with the growth of knowledge comes the growth of confidence; likewise, as it reflects from the study, a driver’s experience can make the variance between a car accident and a slender miss. Therefore, driving schools provide highly knowledgeable drivers with boundless amounts of information and tips for maintaining a safe driving atmosphere. If drivers, both experienced and novice, regularly attended such schools, the confidence gained would exceedingly