Nathan's Argument For The Legalization Of Marijuana

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It seems like the fight for marijuana usage has been going on for years. Both sides have raised argument after argument, yelled, kicked, and protested. Society has come a long way and people on the side of change feel like the government should catch on and make some changes of their own. What amount of change will compel lawmakers to take a chance? Regardless of if you’re in favor of marijuana usage or not, it’s hard to argue with the voice of a doctor. Dr. David L. Nathan is a well-known and competent doctor who uses his work to spread simple facts and basic knowledge in order to push for a better society. On the other hand, David Frum is a CNN writer who uses his only resource, scare tactics, in order to bully the public into retracting …show more content…

According to Dr. David L. Nathan, the author of “The Physician’s Case for Marijuana Legalization”, “That is why, along with more than 50 prominent US physicians, we founded Doctors for Cannabis Regulation (DFCR), the first and only national physicians’ organization dedicated to the legalization and regulation of the adult use of marijuana” (1747). Via this statement, one can derive that not only is Nathan a physician, but a distinguished one that has dedicated a lot of time to his belief in legalizing the usage of marijuana. The dedication of his time is evident through the fact that he founded his own organization just to lobby for legalization of marijuana. This organization, DFCR, is not just any organization, but one full of doctors as well. How could such a “dangerous” drug have so many high-profile supporters? Though this statement seems like a simple explanation, it’s actually a subtle persuasion, making one feel that perhaps marijuana isn’t as bad as they would think. This is another example of how well versed Nathan is in supporting this cause, writing papers, and explaining the issues. Nathan also explains that Doctors for Cannabis Regulation doesn’t necessarily want people to use marijuana, they just want there to be effective regulation of marijuana which can only be affective where the drug is legalized (1747). Nathan’s explanation of what exactly his organization represents proves that he isn’t just someone who loves marijuana and wants it to be legal. Rather, he’s a doctor who wants the nation to be safe and responsible. As a physician, one can only imagine the stories Nathan could tell on the dangers of unsafe and irresponsible marijuana usage. Still, he uses his platform to ask for legalization in order to better get this drug under control. While it’s clear how being a physician