Annotated Bibliography On Medical Marijuana

609 Words3 Pages

Gary Ng Siu Chung 20010770

Medical Marijuana Journals and articles

Chistopher I. (2016) More and more doctors want to make marijuana legal. Retrieved October 21, 2016, from

This article states that a group called ‘Doctors for Cannabis Regulation’ that is formed by 50 physicians that includes former surgeon generals, and some faculty members from the USs’ top medical schools, is seeking the legalisation of marijuana for adult recreational use. The group even argues with a statement saying that prohibition of the use of marijuana is actually hurting the society. They also stated that the prohibitation of the drug is also pushing …show more content…

One states that she is completely in the dark. This particular doctor said that she doesn’t know wether to tell the patient to smoke it, eat it or rub it onto the body. Most doctors are not trained to use this drug, and because it is not usually covered in medical school, the consider themselves not properly equipped with information of medical marijuana. But things are improving, because as more and more states legalise the drug, those states required doctors to learn about the relationships between marijuana and the nervous system by attending continuous medial courses. The law is also confusing doctors, because some doctors do not know what is legal usage, and what can get them in trouble. The article finishes with stating that although many doctors are satisfied with what the medical courses on marijuana gives them, they feels that more information is still …show more content…

Although many states is the USA, and many other countries have already legalised the drug safe for medical use, there are still many doubts on both sides of the opinion. For the supporting side of the drug, studies shows there is significanticant signs that the drug can relief pain. But for the against side, they points out that this drug can only be used if other treatments are not working, and further more they pointed out that there are side effects to the human body, which the supporting side did not point out. These side effects includes dizziness, dry throats, fatigue and many more. The article continued to point out how the law enforcements try to condemn the drug as a serious threat, and people who uses it are not trying cure a serious condition. They are just trying to get their hands on the drug. This is proven by history, as in 1921, when beer was not yet an illegal item, people tried to get them through a physician. So until stand out results stating that marijuana would work during medical conditions, the drug should not be