National Honor Society Application Essay Examples

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I am Hannah King and I am a sophomore at Nashoba. Receiving the letter informing me that I was an eligible student to apply to the National Honor Society was an extremely proud moment for me. Even before I had entered high school becoming a National Honor Society member was a goal I had. The American Cancer Society holds a yearly Relay for Life at Nashoba's track, I have been a team captain since seventh grade. Relay for Life has the ability to put life in perspective for me. Each year I leave the track feeling proud of the awe-inspiring multitude of the achievements we as a team had been able to make. I have been apart of Relay for Life since the beginning of my teen years, being able to grow with the team has helped me learn responsibility …show more content…

For the past six years I have been a member of the club, four of which I have spent as a Junior Leader. One of my greatest passions in life is animals, specifically rabbits. 4-H has allowed me to have a place where I can further my knowledge of rabbits while also forming friendships that I know will last a lifetime. Being a leader of the Bolton 4-H Bunny Club provided me with an outlet to have the chance to teach the other members of the group a topic in which I had researched. It wasn’t until I had the opportunity to lead my own meeting that I discovered I want to become a teacher. I hold a great deal of pride when it comes to the service I have been able to do with 4-H. The people involved with the 4-H club have aided me in becoming more comfortable during public speaking, and have allowed me to improve my skills dealing with younger children, and even adults. As time moves forward I have began to realize the great amount of eagerness I have for my future with 4-H. Serving as a 4-H club leader has shaped the way I look at the community around me, and also people and animals that impact my everyday life. The 4-H pledge embodies exactly how being a leader of 4-H has shaped me into the person I have become. “I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my