National Honor Society Member

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I believe that I exemplify the characteristics of a National Honor Society Member. As shown by my introduction to the candidate process, I strive to demonstrate my commitment to the ideal of being a good scholar. I work as a leader in the classroom helping my fellow peers and outside of school as a leader for my Boy Scout troop. I try to serve the community to the best of my ability and to help out in the classroom. I demonstrate my character by being responsible, trustworthy and following a strong moral compass. I would like to join National Honor Society to better myself and my fellow man and to uphold the ideals of the society Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. I am committed to my learning just as teachers are committed to teaching kids. I take pride in my ability to put school at the forefront of my mind and being diligent when doing my work. I do my best in the classroom so that I can go to college and get a good job to better the world. As a “smart kid” the expectations are much higher and I strive to meet the expectation and exceed it. When I do not understand …show more content…

I take responsibility and try to uphold these ideals that are a staple of National Honor Society, yes I might slip up but that is a fact of life and I am telling you this because I am taking responsibility and I try to take all the unspoken rules about Character and follow them. I exemplify the characteristics of National Honor Society through my commitment to Scholarship, my ability to Lead, my ideals of Service, and the strength of my Character. Please view my “application” not as a plea to be in National Honor Society, like I am begging you, but as an explanation as to why I believe that I should be inducted into National Honor