Native American Mathematics

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The natives of America were a great people with a very advanced knowledge of mathematics. Archeological finds show that the American tribes had used some sort of a mathematical system, and developed a unique method of applying mathematics into all activities in their life. The first American Societies used and practiced mathematics for all purposes, for example they used of mathematics for religion, agriculture, war and commerce. They were able to calculate sacred days used in religious ceremonies; to calculate the seasons of the year for planting, and to develop accurate calendars. They created calendars that predicted the lunar and solar rotation. Although the Native American cultures were overlooked by historians and scientist …show more content…

It shows the complex use of triangles, rhombus, and rectangles. Also shows that the Sioux people were able to do geometrical translation, reflection, and rotation of objects. Moreover, tribes in North America used geometry to develop great structures, for example, there is one structure that represents a truncated pyramid Georgia made by the Etowah tribe; it is about 65 feet tall and provides an impressive view of the Etowah River, and just the top of the pyramid covers one acre of land. Another pyramid located in St. Louis, made by the Cahokia tribe rises 100 feet above the surrounding landscape, and it is believed to be the largest pyramid in the North of Mexico. The pyramid shows that the ancient American were already familiar with angular measurements and the construction of rhombuses. The sides of the construction are slanted to some degree and are proportional to the top of the terrace. See picture two. The geometry used in Central Mexico is not less impressive. The construction of pyramids in Mexico show a more religious purpose; new discoveries in astronomy and anthropology suggest that the construction of the pyramids in Teotihuacan located in the State of Mexico shows an alignment with the constellation of Orion. Mark Cartwright in his paper titled Teotihuacan says that …show more content…

Their numerology had different applications, it was used in the trading system practiced by common people; however, there was a special group within the society, priest called shamans and closely related people to the emperor that used a more advanced counting system. These people had the responsibility to develop and perform ritualistic ceremonies and in the development of special calendars. The Aztec calendar was based in a fifty-two year cycle, the year was divided into thirteen cycles (months) with twenty days each. Also, in the south of Mexico the Mayan people developed a calendar very similar to the Aztecs, see picture three to the right, was also in a base twenty system, but the two calendars were different, one was the origin and the other was that the months did not correspond to each other; however, they were astoundingly accurate. The Mayan calendars is still today widely recognized by the scientist community for its accuracy, even in comparison with modern calendars, it is one of the most precise. With the help of the calendar the Mayans were able to make predictions such as the occurrence of lunar and solar eclipses and when comets will return to appear in the