Native American Stereotypes

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Native Americans and Popular Stereotypes Stereotyping others is a huge problem in society today, and Native Americans are no exception to this problem. According to Shusta et al., (p. 230, 2015) many people in the United States sense that Native Americans were not treated with dignity in U.S. history, but many are not aware of the extent of current societal prejudices against them. Native Americans are referred to as many offensive names such as: chief, buck, squaw, redskin, Indian brave, and skins (Shusta, et al., p. 238, 2015). Shusta et al., (p. 238, 2015) also states that using common terms such as sitting Indian style, Indian giver, wild Indian, powwow, and bottom of the totem pole are offensive to Native Americans. Native Americans …show more content…

These tragic events also highlighted the need for improvements in emergency management, incident response, and coordination processes across the United States (Shusta, et al., p. 268, 2015). The National Incident Management System (NIMS) was established by the Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-5), and is under the control of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (Shusta, et al., p. 268, 2015). The purpose of the NIMS is to enable federal, state, tribal and local governments, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector to work together to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate against threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other manmade disasters (Shusta, et al., p. 268, 2015). This learner assumes that the sharing of information between the different agencies and organizations is very important to all aspects of terrorism and disaster …show more content…

268, 2015) all federal departments and agencies are required by HSPD-5 to adopt NIMS to use in their individual incident management programs and activities, as well as in their actions to assist state, tribal, and local governments. State, tribal, and local organizations are mandated by HSPD-5 to adopt NIMS as a condition for federal preparedness assistance through grants, contracts, and other activities (Shusta, et al., p. 268, 2015). The NIMS benefits agencies and multicultural communities with: a comprehensive nationwide systematic approach to incident management, including the Incident Command System, Multiagency Coordination Systems, and Public Information; a set of preparedness concepts and principles for all hazards; essential principles for a common operating picture and interoperability of communications and information management; standardized resource management procedures that enable coordination among different jurisdictions or organizations; and scalable, so it may be used for all incidents, from day to day, to large scale. (Shusta, et al., p. 283,