Natural Resource Management: Sustainable Development And Environmental Management

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After the Brundtland report in 1987, special emphasis has been provided towards sustainable development and its interrelationship between firm productivity, societal equity and environment quality. Proactive organizations are accountable for facilitating, demonstrating and promoting corporate social responsibility. Companies have to rethink their strategy from being profit driven to corporate citizenship. There has been immense pressure from government, customer, employees and competitors to drive towards environmental management. HR can play a critical role in this regard by acting as a medium to communicate and educate firms about the importance of CSR. At the same time HR can strike a balance between achieving business goals and CSR goals in implementing HR practices.
Since rapid industrialisation, natural resources are getting depleted at a fast pace. There is a need to conserve and judiciously use natural resources so that there is no burden on our future generation. Corporate sustainability was once seen as a philanthropic activity but now it is getting its due importance at leading companies. Companies have gone to the extent of proactive environmental management which encourages corporations to prevent pollution at the source rather than at the end of pipeline. Cutting edge firms are going beyond pollution prevention and exploring new opportunities for developing eco-friendly products, processes and technology. For many firms, environmental values are