Nature Vs Nurture Research Paper

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Faith Gage S. Zimdars-Swartz Intro to Humanities October 19 2015 Nature vs Nurture Which is more dominate nature vs nurture. In this paper I will be arguing that nurture is more dominate than nature. Out of Jack London’s stories I have chosen to compare and contrast batard, white fang, and Scott. In Batard and White fang there are several examples of nature vs nutrtue. While I do believe that nature does have an effect. There some instances were nature might take over but I believe that in the end of it nurture takes over. In White Fang, a question is brought up in my mind it "environmental determinism"—does nature determine our behavior, or does our environment and surroundings play a bigger part? Is nature, or nurture more dominate? I believe that London seems to fall on the side of nurture by saying that White Fang's character is a kind of …show more content…

As White Fang's environment changes so does he. In the beginning of the story White Fang must follow his instincts to hunt, fight, and kill in order to protect himself against threats he faces and live in the wild. But in the Southland, his ferociousness begins to disappear as his life becomes less hocussed on work and fighting and more focused on protecting Scott and his family. White Fang's character also undergoes huge changes as he switches from the care of his different masters. Beauty Smith's really brings out White Fang's naturally vicious nature by turning him into a hateful and vicious fighting dog. But we see a different side of white fang when he is with Scott. Scott gives him love and respect, and changes White Fang into a loyal and loving companion. With every change, White Fang transforms. Therefore, London suggests that the way one is nurtured indelibly helps make them who they are. This is a