Ncf Envirothon Case Study

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As the founder of the Envirothon program, the Pennsylvania Envirothon has made great strides to ensure that the program has maintained a high level of integrity and transparency for each and every participant, coach, partner, and volunteer. The Pennsylvania Envirothon Board of Directors is requesting the National Conservation Foundation consider the following concerns relating to the NCF-Envirothon program.
Traditionally the teams’ written exams are returned at the end of the competition allowing them the opportunity to see where they made their mistakes, which is a key part of learning. The teams and coaches spend countless hours preparing for this competition and they deserve the right to know where and why they fell short of an anticipated higher score. However, because of the decision of one or two individuals, this year’s NCF-Envirothon exams were not returned; this decision was never formally shared with the state and provincial representatives, only through the “grapevine." The understood reasons for making this …show more content…

We understand there will be similarities with some of the questions from year to year; however, no two NCF-Envirothon exams should be exactly alike as should no NCF-Envirothon exam and a host’s state or provincial competition exam be alike. It is our recommendation that the NCF set guidelines that require hosts to develop two different exams for each of the Envirothon testing stations: one for use at their state or provincial competition and one for use at the NCF-Envirothon competition. This could be monitored by the host providing copies of its state or provincial exam for comparison to the NCF-Envirothon written exams. In all fairness, individuals who write the NCF-Envirothon exams should be different from those who write the state or provincial Envirothon