The New Digital Age Analysis

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The Toxins of Technology Technology has become a huge part of society today and, in a way, is starting to take over the world. It changes the way we view people, the way we do things in our daily lives, and how we deal with problems. Someone could easily say something bad about someone else on a social media site and everyone else would believe it, not even taking into consideration that it may not be true. Also, with how advanced technology has become, people have become lazier with how they do things. When given the opportunity to use any sort of technology to get something done as fast as possible, they do it.; losing the value and meaning of hard work. Often leaving people to procrastinate on what they need to get done as well or allowing …show more content…

Schmidt and Cohen state, “the boom in digital connectivity will bring gains in productivity, health, education, quality of life and myriad other avenues in the physical world.” Which it could by making work in schools and at a job faster, which would make it more productive. It could also advance hospitals which would help people diagnose health issues and help come up with solutions to diseases that no one has found a cure for yet. Another good thing about technology that Jane McGonigal talks about, in “Gaming Can Make A Better World,” is how the gaming world can help in real world problems. McGonigal says, “If we want to solve problems like hunger, poverty, climate change, global conflict, obesity, I believe that we need to aspire to play games online for at least 21 billion hours a week.” Gaming can make people smart and creating new, challenging games that must deal with real world situations could lead to a breakthrough in the real world and make our lives better. But once again the negatives outweigh the positives. Mental and physical health are more important than being on technology. The back problems and blemishes on your face that are caused by your phone are not worth it along with the screen straining your eyes and even cramping your hands up. The social anxiety, loneliness feeling, and even not being able to sleep are not worth all the ‘positives’ that come from technology. In no way, shape, or form can technology help with obesity when all you do is sit there on your device all