Neighborhood Food Environment Assessment Tool

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Observation Reflection

Opportunities often lead to great experiences and outcomes. Likewise, the ongoing research project for “Neighborhood Food Environment Assessment Tool” is being providing me some great research skills. During the store observation, I was able to get some critical analysis of whether a neighborhood store provides and fulfills proper accessibility and service to local people. In my opinion, there are many factors that matters for a store to look more/ less appealing. Some of these factors include the cleanliness, accessibility, ads on the storefront, and payment options. Each of these factors play an important role for a customer. For instance, cleanliness attracts customer to purchase more products at a store. Accessibility is another factor that is really helpful for disabled customers for using the store. While, the various company commercial ads on the storefront gives customer an idea of what products they could purchase from the store. Lastly, various payment options that is displayed on the storefront helps those customers who use SNAP and WIC benefits. …show more content…

alcohol or lottery ads on the storefront. Furthermore, we also came with a conclusion that for a store to have a good production benefit it should be located to the center of all commute systems. For instance, the urban plaza at the PSU campus is believed to be one of the busiest places because it is centrally located to all the commuting systems. As a result, the stores that are located on that part have more profits compared to the same stores located on other locations. Infrastructure is a characteristics that would determine whether I would go to that store or not. For instance, there might be a store that has too many stairs. Futhermore, payment options is also a factor that would determine whether I would go to a store or

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