Neil Perry: The Dead Poet Society

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In the movie, “The Dead Poet Society”, the main character, Neil Perry, attended an all boys school. This school, Welton Academy, in Vermont, was extremely expensive and very difficult to get accepted. Neil’s father wanted him to be a doctor, but Neil realized that wasn’t his true passion, he wanted to be an actor. In the middle of the movie, a new english teacher, Mr. Keating, takes over the class.. He was not an ordinary teacher, he taught differently from the other teacher in this school. One day during their lesson, Mr. Keating, was telling them about “The Dead Poet Society” and how he was an active member in the club.
At the end of the movie, Neil finishes the play and his angry and anxious father drove him all the way home. When he gets home, his mother is sitting in her chair while his father tells him why and what he is doing wrong with his life and that he will be attending military school behalf on his behavior. He storms off into his room and his parents go to bed. He was thinking about what his father said and he took his life into his own hands and committed suicide. It was Mr. Perry’s fault that Neil killed himself. …show more content…

Perry was a strict father and told Neil what he was going to be when he grew up. Neil wanted to be an actor so he auditioned for a play at his school and got the main role. He didn’t tell his father that he was going to be in it and somehow he found out. His father came to the play and took Neil right home after. Mr. Perry could care a bit if Neil had anything to say, he also could care less what Neil wanted to go when he grew up. Mr. Perry told him that he was going to go to military school now, so he would go to Welton Academy with all of his friends, he would have to shot people. If Mr. Perry let him follow his dream and let him be an actor at Welton academy, he wouldn’t have killed