Neil Perry Was Responsible For His Son's Suicide

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Neil’s father, Mr. Perry was responsible for his son’s suicide. “Neil couldn’t deal with the idea that to give up acting was to quit playing the roles that he lived every day, and so he killed himself because he “realized that he had not lived” up to that point” (See). Neil was not an honest person to himself or his father. Neil’s father wants the best for him and is able to give him the best education. “You have opportunities that I never even dreamt of and I am not going to let you waste them” (Schulman). During the play, Neil’s role of Puck is said towards his father, hoping for forgiveness. Later on at the house, Neil does not say anything to his father when he asks “What? Tell me what you feel. What is it?” (Weir). Neil is not acting anymore; therefore he cannot say anything towards his father. …show more content…

Mr. Perry had high expectations for his son. The only way to get Mr. Perry to stop controlling Neil’s life was by suicide, this way Neil controlled his life and stood up to his father (See). After the play and confrontation with his father, Neil felt hopeless. Was this how his life was going to proceed, his father controlling his every move? Neil took matters into his own hands and realized there was no other way. Neil felt like his father’s prisoner, and he sacrificed his life to escape. “Maybe it was an act to break free from his father’s control, but in trying to gain that control over his life, he sacrificed everything to escape”