Neil Postman And George Orwell Comparison Essay

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Neil Postman compared and contrasted George Orwell’s and Aldous Huxley’s view of the futures contemporary society. He states both views can be seen as two different prophesies. Huxley’s thought society would become infatuated with technology and many other pleasures and that because of society’s obsession with these pleasure that the people would eventually become lose their capacity to think. Orwell’s idea of the future was very different. He believed that people would be against each other that they would hide the truth, or conceal information and that eventually society would fall because the hate between people. While Postman makes an assertion that Huxley’s vision is the most accurate, George Orwell’s vision is much more accurate when compared to Huxley’s. Orwell’s points are more accurate to problems that are being experienced to like secrecy, lack of trust worthy information, and being a part of a captive culture. …show more content…

George Orwell is worried that the society would be deprived of information while Huxley thought that society would be given to much information leading to a large increase in passivity. While Huxley’s view makes a good point it is counteracted by Orwell’s view. When people are given information they can learn and prepare for similar situations in the future but when people are deprived of information they will fail to learn any helpful information that could help prepare them for the future. In some society’s today such North Korea the public of the country are very much deprived of