Netherland Research Paper

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The Netherlands is quite different from the United States. Their traditions and customs are not exactly the same because of the differentiated cultures. The Netherlands in made up of a hardworking society, unique customs and a smooth economy. The official name of the Netherlands is “Kingdom of the Netherlands” (“Dutch). “Holland” is also another name for this nation (“Dutch). The Dutch name is “Nederland” which translates to “low country” (“Dutch). This refers to the fact that some of the land is below sea level (“Dutch). The Dutch feel like they have created their country (Book). The reason why is because they have "fought" against the sea for it ("Netherlands." Lands). The Dutch have worked hard to keep the water out of their nation (Book). …show more content…

Many of the foreigners see the Dutch as blunt because of their straightforwardness (“Dutch). It is hard to offend them thus, so anyone can speak their mind without displeasing them (“Dutch). The Dutch are reserved so they do not share personal information, even to their close friends (“Netherlands Language). The Dutch are formal while dining (“Netherlands Language). They use utensils in a proper way and the host must eat before anyone else (“Netherlands Language). The Dutch are not picky with their food because it is not a luxury (“Netherlands Language). They expect gifts when they are visited, but there are certain guidelines (“Netherlands Language). For example: giving 13 lilies are considered to be unlucky (“Netherlands Language). Also, chrysanthemums are not suggested because they are related to funerals (“Netherlands Language). Hollands national holiday is the Queen’s birthday and they celebrate on April 30th (“Netherlands.” Lands). Their king is also celebrated on his birthday, April 27th (“Dutch). They believe in Sinterklaas who gives out gifts on December 5th (“Canadian). He is much like Santa Claus. The Dutch celebrate Christmas on December 25th (“Canadian). This day involves families coming together and exchanging presents (“Canadian). More than half of the Dutch society follow a religion (“Canadian). The ones who associate with a religion are either Catholic or Protestant (Book). Soccer and speed skating bring great pride to the Dutch (Ember). The Dutch wear orange colored clothes whenever their team plays to support them