Never Judge Research Paper

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First impressions are said they cannot be changed, but they can most definitely be changed. Most like to feel one way, while others feel the opposite. It just is not the right thing to do. In order for this to be, never judge someone by their looks, everyone is a different shape and size, and they may even be the ones you trust. It may be difficult, but throw away those negative feelings and try to approach the person.
Firstly, If you just someone by their looks, it is like judging a book by the cover. You are no better yourself if that is what you do. People can vary in so many ways, and that should be a reason to not judge them. The person being judged may have been in a war and lost part of their face, but you went and thought they were grotesque. We must retain that feeling you get from those impressions. …show more content…

These things range from what caused them to look that way in the womb and being born, to what happened during their lifetime. Taking a glance at those people and thinking that they are freaks of nature is just wrong in so many ways. Put yourself into their shoes, take your time to think about how they feel. I can tell you, some of the nicest people can look like the worst or even are not too approachable from their past experiences.
Finally, just because someone may look impressionable, does not mean they are. People who may be close to you, like your best friend or a family member even, may be horrible horrible people. No one can be considered a good person just by their looks. Until someone learns that, no one should trust first impressions. If you take your time to truly get to know someone, you have a better chance to know if they are good or bad people. It is a key reason to not have negative feelings by the first impression of