Never Shall I Forget Ellie Wiesel Meaning

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At a really young age a kid named Ellie Wiesel was captured by the SS (NAZI) , he was a really faithful person. later on his life his faith in god would decrease little by little. The prisoner Ellie wisel was a witness of the horrifying things that happend in the natzi concentration camps some of the examples are, depression due to observing gorrifying things, witnessing kids being killed in a daily and human being treated like animals without respect. “Never shall I forget” Is a quote written by Ellie Wiesel, Ellie Wiesel is the author of the book Night, he was also a former prisoner of the Nazi Germany, the cause that led the author to write this quote were the horrifying things he was witnessing, bodies being burned, people being killed. …show more content…

This was a quote written in the book Night, whose author is Ellie Wiesel, as it was stated Ellie Wiesel was one of the million of prisoners the SS had. The impact this quote makes on the reader is empissive, the fact that people had to see childre thrown in the air as shooting targets is really horrifyng and is also something that shouldn’t be done. This is crime against humanity this demonstrates that people’s life were taken in a rutheless. When the author states this quote he means it, literally people, human beings were thrown into the air to improve the aim of the SS soldiers. The nazi always tried to exploit your body as much as possible, They would not only trown children in the air, or make them work infinite amounts of time but they would also use your ashes as soil fertiliziter, this is just something out of hands. It's terrifying to think that other human beings were killied.“Tattooed numbers on our left arm” (Wiesel 42). Ellies wisel was a SS prisoner like other millions of people during ww2, Wiesel talk about his arrival to aushwitz concentrstion camp, the author discussed how he felt home, when they arrived to auschwitz there were treated “nicely” they were given food clothing and were able to wash. Their identity was taken away Ellie was no longer Ellie he was A-7713, the fact that people weren’t identified by their name is something really disrespectful but giving someone a number has thei ID is just not human, numbers are usually given to animals specially cows horses or animals that work in farms. This has no background to it; they were all numbers. One of the main purposes