New Imperialism Dbq Essay

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In this time period industrialism was very prevalent. The first Industrial Revolution consisted of worker abuse, outbreak of diseases, and gender exploitation. Throughout this period there were many reforms and changes made in order to ease people’s comcerns and issues. Afer the reforms were made, there was a period known as the Second Industrial Revolution. Throughout this time, Germany was also progressing at a great speed , and Henry Bessemer figured out how to mass produce steel using super heated air to melt iron’s imperfections. The progression of Germany mainly consisted of steel, but also had rubber and oil. These resources were used extensively in wars, such as the production of tanks and guns. This overuse lead …show more content…

This sharp depature from previous policy resulted from economic, political, and cultural factors. The motives for this New Imperialism are all incorporated in documents 1,2,3, and 7. In document 1, Prince Leopold describes how industrialism has affected and progressed our country, as well as the domination of occupied colonies. This excerpt is bias because Prince Leopold is the heir to the throne, and that implies if there was a colony that was under their control, he would be the next political leader. The desire of Leopold to discover and exploit new colonies is one of the overall motives for imperailsm. In document 2, the political cartoon is depicting the Cape of Cairo,which is an uncompleted railway from South to North Africa. It basically works as a transport for goods and facilitate govereance. The purpose of the image is show the connection and dominance that the imperialist have over the colonies of Africa. By the Europeans attempting to build the railways, it acts as a motivation for absolutism amoung the colonies. In document 3, Joseph Chamberlain discusses the unemployment of many people, and says if the British Empire suffers anymore from shortages of resources then, the population would be starved. This document is bias because of his occupation, Chamberlain is an industrialist and reformer. Being that he wants more job oppurtunities, but with no resources to produce products in factories, the need for imperialism is there. This adds to the list of motives for imperialism. In document 7, Martial Henri Merlin discusses that the territories being discovered have been neglected by their people, and it is his right to occupy their lands. This excerpt is bias because Merlin is the governor general of the French Equatorial Africa, so he has control over the land that was previously occuppied. People in this time believe that it was their right and

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