
New Literacy Practices

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EDUC 1211 New Literacies for Teachers
Hattingh Jeanine: 1054720
Mr Juniel Matavire
22 April 2015
In this essay I will be discussing the different literacy practices of the British Asian girls and the Welsh girls, in relation to their reading for pleasure, and their digital literacy practices, and how these relate to their identities as bilingual and bicultural girls.
Both the British Asian and the Welsh girls read for pleasure, and both group of girls enjoy reading in English than in their non-dominating languages, however both groups of girls give different reasons for their preference to reading in English. Looking at the similarities in their literacy practices, the British Asian girls enjoy reading novels in English from popular teen authors, and in the same way, the Welsh girls also enjoy reading English novels from popular authors (Jones, 2006). The differences in their reasoning for choosing to read in English are that are that in Welsh, there is not a lot of variety, and the books in Welsh can be boring and when translated, may be difficult to read. For the British Asian girls, their level of skill in reading in their non-dominating languages is not high enough for them to …show more content…

The way that I construct my identity on these social media platforms is also through the use of pictures. The way that the Welsh girls’ digital literacy practices is that I o not use a text language code, or web pages and my digital literacy practices do not often relate to my bilingualism. Although there are only a few similarities and only a few differences, I can relate to the way in which the Welsh girls use their web pages, which is to communicate with friends and to be able to say what you want to about yourself or anything you believe

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