Newton's Third Law By Steven Bancarz Analysis

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I have chosen the topic is there a soul after death, I would like to talk about Newton’s third law, a gift that became an idea to benefit science. “For every action taken, there is always an equal and opposite reaction in its place” (Newton). In my view I believe if God made us, when we die he exerts his will or shall we say force on our soul, to either bring us to heaven, hell, or limbo. Sometimes the choices we make as people affect only us; but more often than not our choices have a domino effect, reaching far past our own sphere of being. I haven’t the vaguest idea about our past lives, but I do know that for every action taken it creates the life we lead. People should act with the full awareness of Newton’s Third Law. Not just any action …show more content…

His name is Dr. Even Alexander, he awakened from a seven day coma, which was caused by severe bacterial meningitis. He awoke and began telling the doctors, and his family what he had experienced. Steven Bancarz stated in his article “Dr. Alexander confirms is that our life here is just a test to help our souls evolve and grow, and that the way we succeed in doing so is to proceed with love and compassion” (Bancarz). He stated that the afterlife felt like pure love, it dominated the entirety of the afterlife. That in turn the overall presence of any kind of evil was diminished. Alexander’s mind was made up after he had awoken from the coma. He describes in detail that he took a journey to the afterlife, where he indeed did visit heavenly places and not so heavenly. Let’s discuss why I chose this reference as the main one to back me on my decision on believing if there is a soul after we die. “Eben’s neocortex was completely nonfunctional during the time of his coma do to his severe bacterial meningitis, so there is no scientific account for why he experienced this” (Bancarz). Now, Alexander is a neurosurgeon, and he offers some naturalistic explanations they range from distorted recall memories, a primitive brainstem program, a reboot phenomenon, and unusual memory generation. But after reviewing his medical records and brain scans, not even the natural explanations could account for why he …show more content…

These phenomena range from astral projection, apparitions, clinical or near-death experiences, to mediumship/channeling. One of these I want to cover in some detail, this would be astral projection. Scientifically, that's not considered proof, it's an oddity, something that can't be explained. Even so, astral projection works with the scientific method, meaning that you can personally try and experience it yourself. There are techniques to do it, and it can be done with practice, and with practice you'll be able to see for yourself if there's any validity to such experiences. Even the most skeptical person can have an out of body experience. This happened in the case of the neurologist who recently wrote a book about heaven being real, but it can happen for anyone. This is of course referring back to Alexander, I would say his experience was one of astral projection. “In looking at the dilemma of proving that we do survive death, we are confronted with the following question: what constitutes proof? (Stefanidakis). What can be undoubtable proof for some people may hold nothing of credit to many others. I believe that some people will forever doubt an afterlife or that of even having a soul. Ultimately I believe that overall proof or belief must come from within one’s self. But with the above references