Night And Fog Analysis

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There are those who refused to believe, or believed only for brief moments. With our sincere gaze we survey these ruins, as if the the old monster lay crushed forever beneath the rubble. We pretend to take up hope again as the image recedes into the past, as if we were cured once and for all of the scourge of the camps. We pretend it all happened only once, at a given time and place. We turn a blind eye to what surrounds us And a deaf ear to humanity's never-ending cry. - Night and fog is a 1956 french documentary short film, directed by alian resnais it was made 10 years after the liberation of Nazi concentration camps. -Night and fogs features the abandoned grounds of Auschwitz and majdanek while describing the lives of the prisoners of …show more content…

Not too much after we see at the end of that rail there Is that huge building, the camp. The music suddenly gets more exciting as it’s introducing something yet to come and we go back to the past. A close up to wide opened eyes which illustrate a shock, maybe? Indeed, naked crowd “shaved, tattooed, numbered..” then scene of a high rank military men with (an uncomfortable for the viewer) smiles on their faces! “Mass murderers” the narrator says, makes sense! The movie continues in the same tactics showing us part of the camp in the present then proceed telling the story in the past while showing us what really happened, probably the purpose of the director was to make the viewer first try to imagine what happened in these places of the camp in order to be able to shock him with the truth that no matter how horrible he tries to imagine things happened it couldn’t be close to what actually happened, this is to leave a strong impact of the horror that took place in the viewer’s heart. Many mid shots on objects while listing them where the object is taking most of the picture frame. Which highlight the importance of the objects, probably? Then a sequence of horrified face