Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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One only needs to open a history textbook or study an old photograph to notice that the world today is drastically different from the world one hundred years ago. Many things like computers, cameras, and methods of transportation have improved by becoming faster and more efficient than they were before, or by changing entirely. The technology of the twenty-first century and mankind’s increasing ability to explore and thrive in the environment as a result of that technology should make people wonder who or what makes it all possible. It is true that there have been several innovators who managed to create magnificent works of engineering, but there is one person that the world would not be the same without. Through his many works in electrical engineering and his idealistic way of thinking, Nikola Tesla was the one who gave humanity the world that exists today.
Tesla himself confessed in his work My Inventions that he did not realize he wanted to be an inventor until he was already a man (6). There were, however, several …show more content…

Stephen Snyder commented on how several people know Tesla because of, “the fancy new car that bears his name, not for his many stunning accomplishments.” Interestingly, Snyder goes on to talk about how Edison stole the attention from Tesla, even thought it was Tesla who won the “War of the Currents,” but there are other theories as to why Tesla isn’t known. Some believe that Tesla was very secretive about his works, while others think that Edison gets more credit simply because he was an American (Scrivener). Nobody knows for sure why one of the most world-changing people in history goes unnoticed, but as time progresses, more people realize how much of their work, school, and personal life has to do with technology and how they could not imagine a world without those things. In fact, almost all of the power that people use comes from the alternating current

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