Noah's Ark Jahwist

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The modern expressions portrayed in the movie Noah’s ark was mainly around the central message of the Genesis scripture. However, religious truth in the scripture was altered, this will cause confusion for new audience try to understand the true meaning of this sacred text.

Noah and the flood is a small passage in Genesis about how Noah a human, receives commands from God to build an ark in order to save innocent creatures on earth. Because God will destroy the world by water in order to cleanse the evil within the human. The movie Noah was published during 2014. Overall the movie shares the same central message as the scripture, however, because the movie made few adjustments of the passage, many Christians think this movie is one of the worst bible movie ever made.

Genesis was the first book that was written in the old testament, many modern scholars believe the book of Genesis have different sources to provide information, for example, scholars believes Jahwist provide the information about the Noah and the flood. Jahwist was one of the oldest sources, it can be dated up to 922 BC. Jahwist contribution of the information does not intend to present a story, instead, Jahwist contributes those materials for the later generations. Materials Jahwist provided contains human …show more content…

According to Greg Coostona (2015) the story of Noah, the ark, and the flood speaks an inspired and powerful message about judgment and grace, that has instructed God’s people throughout the age about God’s hatred of sin and his love for his creation. In addition, after the flood, God promise to Noah that earth will never be destroyed by water again. This justifies how God has forgiven our sin after the flood. Which means the true message this scripture trying to explain is that us human will always make mistakes, however, at the end of the day, God still love