Nobody Left To Hate Summary

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The article Nobody left to hate is explains a social techniques done to help with the communication of children who are of different backgrounds sharing the same class. Consequently, the class consisted of children of different races and ethnic backgrounds in which they group themselves accordingly. The white children were viewed as smart, competitive and “winners”, while the Black and Mexican- American children were viewed as lazy, unintelligent and “losers”. What Aronson and his graduate students did is create an eight week program to aid in the interactions among the students. The Jigsaw classroom is a designed intervention that requires students to all work together and to form closer bonds and reinforce better interactions. Each student was assigned to a specific part of a …show more content…

In the end, the classroom atmosphere changed drastically which impacted each student positively. Each student criticized each other less, they interacted with each other more and they viewed every student as a valuable component to the learning experience.
This article has a lot of similarities to the PSY 410 course as a result of the social emphasis/ nature and foundation used for the study. The first concept that came to mind while reading this article was the academic self concept. Firstly, it is noticed that the White children created a competitive atmosphere among each other as a result of social comparison. The student would race and to answer questions to prove to the teacher who is smarter and faster. Consequently if a student is picked on by the teacher and gets the answer right, the others would sigh and get upset because they wanted to answer. Therefore, they all would race and get up out of their seats to answer when the teacher