Non-Acceptance Of Diversity In The Workplace

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While diversity is most notably tied to race and religion, the idea of diversity goes much further including age, experience, time with a company, gender, and many more factors (Greenburg, 2004). With this incredibly wide range of characteristics, which when mixed in a company atmosphere lead to a diverse workplace, it is easy to believe that issues and disagreements can easily arise. In order to keep from causing friction, diversity needs to be introduced with grace, accompanied by communication and adaptability, as well as the acceptance and willingness to change within management as well as the staff (Patrick & Kumar, 2012). When diversity is not welcomed with willingness, many problems which can be detrimental to the staff and organization as a whole ranging from conflict and tension to staff leaving the company, can occur. …show more content…

As defined in the research conducted by Harold Patrick and Vincent Kumar, these can include prejudice, ethnocentrism, stereotypes, victim blaming, discrimination, harassment, and backlash. In order to reduce these occurrences employees must be willing to accept that diversity exists and is valuable to a company. Stereotypes and myths about different groups of individuals must also be dismissed in order to allow professional diversity to thrive (Patrick & Kumar, 2012). There are many techniques and lessons which an organization can adopt in order to ease the transition to a more diverse office; however, if increased diversity is simply sprung on an existing work force, there is a high likeliness that it will have more negative impacts on the company than positive