Diversity Action Plan Paper

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The timeline for this action plan is designed using the scale of a medium-sized company (approximately 100-200 employees). Do Organizational Diagnosis and Develop Organizational Polices to support Diversity This first stage of the action plan involves a management team gathering information and assessing the organization to determine the level of diversity present. Then in alignment with legal requirements for diversity and the level diversity that is desirous of being achieved organizational polices will be created to meet these standards and create equality and fairness within the organization.The team working with HR will create clear job descriptions that outline all necessary knowledge, skills and abilities needed to perform in job roles and thus the organization will avoid discrimination and negligence and will assess persons solely on the qualifications …show more content…

This step will show employees that anyone can receive rewards for their performance despite individual differences and will reduce any feeling of bias that may present within their minds. This willimprove morale, confidence in management and promote diversity as members from ethnic and minority groups will be rewarded once they are performing above standard. Increase employee awareness Managers and supervisors will then create cross functional teams, special work groups and implement job rotation to aid in employee understanding and acceptance of diversity. When an employee only work in a specific job they become accustomed to the persons they work with every day, however by ‘forcing’ interactions with other employees with whom they are not accustomed they will become exposed to different types of people with varying backgrounds and lifestyles. This step helps promote the acceptance of diversity within the organization. Develop a feedback and complaint system and encourage employees to use