Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Case Study

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Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma refers to a large group of lymphatic cancers that is made up of approximately 90% of all diagnosed lymphomas.4
All lymphomas are defined as cancerous growth of lymphocytes, also called white blood cells. It is the body's primary defense against infection and disease. These lymphocytes, which is also known as white blood cells mutate and grows abnormally crowding out those healthy cells which lead to forming tumors. 4
There are many different types of non-Hodgkin lymphomas [NHLs], that is classified by the varied types of affected cells and the rate of abnormal growth. One type is the "aggressive large cell follicular" lymphoma which is known as the fast-growing cancer of a type of thyroid cell. An indolent cutaneous t-cell …show more content…

Blood tests may be done to determine kidney and liver function. Lumbar Puncture, also known as a "spinal tap," which involves the withdrawal and examination of spinal fluid. This is usually done in cases where a physician believes that the disease might have spread to the nervous system.4

The "Ann Arbor System" is the most widely used system for describing stages of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Stage 1: The lymphoma is in a lymph node or nodes in only 1 region, such as the neck, groin, or underarm. The cancer is found only in 1 area of a single organ outside of the lymph system (IE). Stage II: The lymphoma is in 2 or more groups of lymph nodes on the same side of the diaphragm either above or below (the muscle that aids breathing and separates the chest and abdomen). Stage III: The lymphoma is found in lymph node areas on both sides of the diaphragm either above or below. The cancer may also have extended into an area or organ next to the lymph nodes into the spleen or both. Stage IV: The lymphoma has spread outside of the lymph system into an organ that is not right next to an involved node. The lymphoma has spread to the bone marrow, liver, brain or spinal cord, or the pleura (thin lining of the …show more content…

The regimen used depends on the type of NHL, the stage, and whether the disease is aggressive or indolent.4

Chemotherapy is the use of cytotoxic (cell damaging) medicines to target and kill tumors. The drugs work by interrupting the DNA of fast-growing cells, preventing them from growing or reproducing. Chemotherapy can lead to a variety of side effects.4

Radiation therapy uses high doses of X-rays, gamma rays, or other types of ionizing (damaging) radiation to kill cancer cells. It may be applied to the whole body or to a specific

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