
North Korea Research Paper

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It’s finally happened. North Korea has made their move on the United States. Kim Jong Un said Tuesday, “We will no longer accept the mocking jeers made the the capitalist pigs of the West, and the dignity of this country will stand tall in the face of war!” United States president Donald Trump responded, “Un has made a huge mistake. The United State’s military will fight with every ounce of bravery and courage that runs through each and every soldiers veins. They will not back down, and they will spit in the face of Death itself.” Troops are deployed, reserves are called in, and every base in Japan and the rest of the Pacific are put on alert. The first shots are fired, and war has begun. Okay, calm down. War has not yet broken out between the two …show more content…

However, multiple outcomes could end up happening. The best case-scenario for the United States and the worst case-scenario for North Korea goes something like this: All countries that inhabit U.S. military bases agree to let the government use the bases, China decides not to get involved, Japan also uses forces to aid the United States, and North Korea does not nuke countries within range. The worst case-scenario for the United States and the best case-scenario for North Korea is: No countries that have U.S. bases agree to let those bases be used, China has entered the war on the side of North Korea, Japan does not aid the United States, and North Korea decided to nuke Hawaii, Alaska, and Guam. However, the most likely playout of the war would be all bases would be allowed use, China would not provide military aid to North Korea, but would provide supplies, Japan would not deploy troops but would allow military base activity, missile defense, and supplies such as oil and metal. Unfortunately, North Korea would likely try to launch nukes toward U.S. allies within range such as Japan and Guam, and U.S. states such as Hawaii, Alaska, and maybe even

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