
Nothing Gold Can Stay Figurative Language

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In poetry, there are various ways to express emotions and events that once took place. This paper will discuss how Robert Frost uses nature and identity as themes in poems to create vivid images so that the reader can visualize what’s happening. Robert Frost includes the beauty and importance of nature by simply utilizing symbolism and personification, which makes the reader relate or sense what Frost is trying to deliver. The way Frost uses the theme of nature gives a diverse viewpoint and allows science and poetry to coordinate together, while signifying human characteristics or situations. The personality of Frost’s writing style is old-fashioned and new-fashioned meaning that there is no specific poetic technique, but it’s written closely …show more content…

In the poem, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”, Robert Frost aims to use figurative language to examine the change in fall and comparing it to something larger. The beginning of the poem, “Nature's first green is gold...Her early leafs a flower”, can easily be understood because everyone deals with the changing of seasons. Frost being a clever writer relates this to life on how the first leaf is fresh and new life (Ferguson). This paradox deals with nature, but communicated in a phrase that deals with human attributes that correlate to one another that also contains imagery for the reader. Further into the poem it states, “But only so an hour, then leaf subsides to leaf”, which explains that seasons all the way to a completion or end. As time passes, individuals start to show their true colors, “the leaf exists in disguise only a moment and then moves on to its true state as leaf” (Ferguson). This demonstrates that there is a period of development, which can be a moment of loss or gain. Frost applies parallel paradoxes to reveal simple truths that some may take personally or learn overtime. In addition, Frost exemplifies the theme of nature and identity by associating qualities humans experience with worldly aspects. With the indications of end rhyme, alliteration, and metaphors, individuals can grasp the concept of the poem by repetition to remember the poem and its meaning, which is life goes through seasons …show more content…

In the poem, “The Onset”, the diction and attitude gives off a depressing sensation. Throughout the poem there is constant references to death and life, evil and good, and human limitations, which develop the concept that Frost has accepted the idea of death and that it’s apart of human nature. In the first stanza, Frost mentions the season of winter and giving up to let death fall, which ties in the theme of nature by letting it describe the writer’s emotions being still and useless. It forces the reader to sense that this season of winter characterizes and conveys an image of despair. Frost implements the use of poetic devices and diction to have the reader understand the moral of the poem. Winter is known to be the source of evil due to negative vocabulary of “hissing” and “overtaken” of snow and how it is affecting the speaker to have delay in life instances. The literary essay, “Stylistic Analysis of the Poem ‘The Onset’”, states “the feelings of fear and sadness which are appeared in first stanza, now in second stanza turn into hope”, yet still clarify that death in nature has its influence on human identification during this period, even when spring comes around to let hope arise (Khan, Raffique, and Saddique 1). The attitude within the poem sets the mood because death, being winter, is controlling the speakers happiness every year, which overall leads the reader to feel anxious or

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